Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Avoiding Expensive Court Cases


By definition, mediation is technically termed structured negotiation and it is one good alternative, however informal, to settle issues. For once, it is one option in clearing up issues before going to the expensive course of a court case.


Basically, the mediation Lawyer Brisbane is the third-party participant that can assist in helping the disputing parties come to an agreed-on solution.


This is one opportunity for both parties to give out their proposals and consider in return the options of reaching a mutually-satisfying agreement. This is easier said than done, of course, and there could be deadlocks on many issues that are potentially painful for either side.


General tasks


As a rule, the mediation Lawyer Brisbane cannot force the parties to accept a settlement. However, in a divorce dispute, it is advantageous because some legal aspects are explained fully to the parties. In a sense, he is the best person to do the job.


Also, our mediation Lawyer Brisbane can allow the parties to come to agree what is best for their situation, instead of what the law requires. Exceptions would be some legal rights that the parties cannot give up.  


Additionally, the mediation lawyer will not make the final decision. The job is only to mediate and oversee the process. He cannot even overrule any party in the process.




The biggest benefit for both parties is the avoidance of a very expensive court proceedings should it escalates into that. For one side, you may not be very sure on the outcome of the court’s decision.


Added to this fact is that the court process takes very long to settle. Mediation can save money, time, and emotional stress it creates.


Taking your family dispute into the courts can be a very expensive undertaking. In addition, you cannot know for sure the outcome of such, and sometimes the process takes very long to settle.


Through mediation, the separated couple can have the chance to find some common grounds where they can allow themselves to resolve their disputes. This is the most ideal action especially when the dispute involves the children.


Mediation proper


The parties are asked to describe the issues from their own perspectives. Using the issues described by both parties, the mediator will create an agenda. The issues listed in the agenda will then be discussed.


Both parties are allowed to discuss their concerns while also suggesting options for the resolution. If both parties can come to an agreement, that agreement is documented. There is also the resolution on how to document these and who shall prepare it.




The most common of issues are mostly on property settlements, the parenting plans for the children, intergenerational conflicts, child support disputes, and many other personal problems for the couple.


It is a given that most issues may not be resolved in the family mediation in the most satisfying ways for both parties. However, one good point for such a move is that the parties will understand better where the other partner stands.


Experienced lawyers in mediations can also tell straight either of the parties if their case is tenable.

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